African Integration: Facing up to Emerging Challenges
The notion of pan-African integration predates independence movements and the creation of nation states on the continent. The issue of regional integration continues to be a prominent one in Africa,...
View ArticleCoherencia e inclusión en el sistema de comercio mundial en la era del...
Los acuerdos comerciales regionales (ACR) han proliferado en las últimas décadas alrededor del mundo, en coexistencia con el Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio y el sistema de la...
View ArticleTTIP: ¿hacia el caos de otro paradigma comercial?
En el primer día de su presidencia, el 20 de enero de 2017, Donald Trump emitiría un aviso sobre la intención de retirar a Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) del Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP, por sus...
View ArticleLa política comercial en Asia se revitaliza ante posible colapso del TPP
Mientras que la votación relacionada con la salida del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea y la elección de Donald Trump como nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) han sugerido un retroceso de la...
View ArticleЕАЭС начнет переговоры о создании зон свободной торговли с Ираном, Индией,...
На декабрьском заседании Высшего Евразийского экономического совета президенты Армении, Казахстана, Кыргызстана и России подписали решение о начале переговоров о создании зон свободной торговли с...
View ArticleМолдова отменила ограничения на импорт украинских товаров
С 1 января 2017 г. перестали действовать временные молдавские ограничения на импорт украинской мясной и молочной продукции и цемента. Решение Правительства Молдовы о снятии торговых ограничений стало...
View ArticleAbe, Turnbull Highlight Commitment to TPP, Trade Ties in Bilateral Talks
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met in Sydney last weekend to discuss a host of trade issues, including their plans to move forward with the...
View ArticleEyes on CETA Ratification Ahead of EU Trade Committee Vote
Efforts to ratify an EU-Canada trade deal have seen progress in Europe, with the agreement receiving the backing of the European Parliament’s environment, public health, and food safety (ENVI)...
View ArticleAustralia, UK Explore Options to Deepen Trade Ties
Exploratory discussions between the UK and Australia for a post-Brexit trade deal are expected to continue this week, media reports suggest, with some officials noting that migration will likely be an...
View ArticleCETA Clears Ratification Hurdle with EU Parliament Trade Committee Backing
The proposed Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), a free trade agreement negotiated between Canada and the EU, acquired the support of the European Parliament’s trade committee (INTA) on...
View ArticleПрезидент США Дональд Трамп: США выходят из ТПП и начинают переговоры об...
Следуя своим предвыборным обещаниям, на третий день после церемонии инаугурации Президент США Дональд Трамп подписал указ о выходе США из Транстихоокеанского партнерства (ТПП). Официальный меморандум,...
View ArticleMalmström: EU, Indonesia Trade Negotiations On the Move
Trade negotiations between the 28-nation European Union and Indonesia are kicking into gear, according to EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström. The two sides launched negotiations last year,...
View ArticleTheresa May: UK, US Setting Stage for Possible Trade Talks
The United Kingdom and the United States are examining how to move ahead with preliminary trade negotiations, according to UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who met with her American counterpart last...
View Article特丽莎梅:英国和美国准备进行可能的贸易谈判
英国首相特丽莎梅上周会见了美国总统特朗普,根据她的说法,英美之间正在研究如何推进初步的贸易谈判。 英国首相特丽莎梅在1月27日星期五 表示 ,“我们正在商讨如何建立一项贸易谈判协定,能够立即推动高层会谈,为英美贸易协定奠定基础,并且敲定确保两国企业能够进行贸易和商业活动的实际步骤。”...
View ArticleSri Lanka Aiming for China Trade Deal in 2017, Official Says
Sri Lanka aims to finalise a free trade agreement (FTA) with China later this year, said the country’s ambassador to Beijing last weekend. The two Asian economies have been negotiating a trade deal...
View ArticleEU, Latin American Countries Move to Deepen Trade Ties
Efforts on behalf of the EU and Mexico to modernise a sixteen-year old free trade agreement have been ramped up, following a phone call between EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and Mexican...
View ArticleАзербайджан и ЕС начинают переговоры по новому соглашению о партнерстве и...
В рамках двухдневного визита в Брюссель Президент Азербайджана Ильхам Алиев провел несколько важных встреч с руководством Евросоюза. В ходе переговоров с Председателем Европейского Совета Дональдом...
View ArticleAções de Trump geram movimentação na agenda comercial da América Latina
O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, assinou, em 23 de janeiro, um decreto para a retirada do país da Parceria Transpacífica (TPP, sigla em inglês). Nessa ocasião, o mandatário afirmou que...
View Article特丽莎梅:英国和美国准备进行可能的贸易谈判
英国首相特丽莎梅上周会见了美国总统特朗普,根据她的说法,英美之间正在研究如何推进初步的贸易谈判。 英国首相特丽莎梅在1月27日星期五 表示 ,“我们正在商讨如何建立一项贸易谈判协定,能够立即推动高层会谈,为英美贸易协定奠定基础,并且敲定确保两国企业能够进行贸易和商业活动的实际步骤。”...
View ArticleEU, Latin American Countries Move to Deepen Trade Ties
Efforts on behalf of the EU and Mexico to modernise a sixteen-year old free trade agreement have been ramped up, following a phone call between EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and Mexican...
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