The Accident Report - Getting TTIP Back on Course
It was launched with the best of intentions and highest of ambitions – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was embraced by President Obama and every European head of government as...
View ArticleTPA and the Democratic disunity — Obama’s trade bill, jobs and income...
Well, they say the TPP deal is now “practically wrapped up.” The House and Senate Leadership have now tabled the bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill that must now slouch through the...
View ArticlePlurilateral trade agreements: an overlooked but powerful force for...
After more than a decade of inconclusive talks, a small but important step was taken in late 2014 to finish the Doha Round negotiations of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In 2015 and beyond,...
View ArticleIs it possible to have better governance in Africa’s Regional Economic...
Regional integration in Africa is necessary because our nations cannot prosper in isolation. The challenges posed by small domestic markets, limited economies of scale and the marginal position of...
View ArticlePromoting Small Business Utilisation of Market Access under the Mega-Regionals
Since the WTO’s Doha Round stalled, the world has been awash with mega-regional preferential trade negotiations. These agreements will improve market access by lowering tariffs to firms in...
View ArticleWhy should there be international rules governing State-owned enterprises?
The subject that I have been following the most closely during these last few years in the frenetic international negotiating activities in which the US is currently engaged is the extent to which...
View ArticleЕвросоюз и Вьетнам согласовали основные положения соглашения о создании зоны...
Представителям Евросоюза и Вьетнама удалось согласовать основные положения будущего договора о создании зоны свободной торговли. Об этом во вторник, 4 августа 2015 г., сообщила пресс-служба Европейской...
View ArticleAvanzan las negociaciones de la Asociación Económica Integral Regional
Los ministros de Comercio de los Estados que negocian el RCEP acordaron en su última reunión eliminar los aranceles sobre el 80% de sus bienes dentro de los próximos 10 años. La negociación incluye a...
View ArticleЕвразийский экономический союз и Египет могут создать зону свободной торговли
Евразийский экономический союз (ЕАЭС) может создать зону свободной торговли с Египтом, также возможно увеличение поставок российского зерна в арабскую республику и переход на взаиморасчеты в...
View ArticleA Role for the World Trade Organization on Regulatory Coherence
Implemented jointly by ICTSD and the World Economic Forum, the E15Initiative convenes world-class experts and institutions to generate strategic analysis and recommendations for government, business...
View ArticleControversy Builds in Australia over China Trade Deal
Efforts to build support in Australia for a recently signed trade deal with China have erupted in controversy in recent weeks, ahead of the impending ratification vote required to bring the agreement...
View Article澳大利亚与中国的贸易协定上产生争议
近几周以来,原本为了支持澳大利亚近期与中国签署的贸易协定的努力突然引发了争议,而很快将进行的投票是协定生效所必须的批准投票。中澳自贸协定,也叫ChAFTA,是6月份两国在经历10年谈判后正式签署的自贸协定。 但是,自协定签署一来,关于协定对国内劳动者的保障问题,在澳大利亚政界和公众当中产生了质疑,在进入到最终批准协定的国内法律程序时激起了多方面的抗议和热烈辩论。(《桥》周报, 2015年06月26日...
View ArticleTalking Disputes | The Peru - Agricultural Products Dispute
Language Undefined This event will discuss the recent WTO Appellate Body report on Peru – Agricultural Products (DS457). In this dispute, Guatemala challenged additional duties imposed by Peru on...
View ArticleHow could Mega-Regional Trade Negotiations Affect Agricultural and Food Trade?
A new generation of 'mega-regional' trade deals have the potential to reshape the landscape of global agricultural trade, by establishing new commitments on market access as well as new regulatory...
View ArticleInstitutional Cooperation on Climate and Energy Matters in Trade Agreements:...
Language Undefined Several recent regional trade agreements, RTAs, include provisions on clean energy and on climate action. They may take the form of concrete commitments of reductions of tariffs or...
View ArticleЕС, Россия и Украина продолжат работу по чувствительным вопросам, связанным с...
По результатам трехсторонних переговоров 7 сентября 2015 г. в Брюсселе стороны подтвердили приверженность достижению практических договоренностей, которые способствовали бы поддержанию открытых...
View ArticleWTO@20: Trade Rules and Domestic Regulation—Now What?
Trade integration is increasingly a matter of addressing the effect that regulatory policies have in segmenting national markets. Differences in regulation across markets increase costs for firms and...
View ArticleCompetition Policy within the Context of Free Trade Agreements
Implemented jointly by ICTSD and the World Economic Forum, the E15Initiative convenes world-class experts and institutions to generate strategic analysis and recommendations for government, business...
View ArticleEU, US Trade Chiefs Pledge to Speed Up TTIP Talks
The top trade officials from the EU and US agreed to ramp up the pace of bilateral negotiations for a wide-reaching trade and investment deal, following a “political stocktaking” meeting expected to...
View ArticleTPP Countries Eye Potential Chief Negotiators' Meeting as Elections Loom
The 12 countries negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement are reportedly considering holding high-level talks next week in the US city of Atlanta, as the impending elections in some...
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